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Bill Bither
Bill Bither Machine Monitoring / October 13, 2016

Empower your operators with Machine Monitoring | MachineMetrics

Key Takeaways:
  • MachineMetrics provides operators with real-time machine data to make informed decisions on the factory floor.
  • Empowered operators can proactively address issues, improving overall equipment efficiency and reducing downtime.
  • By equipping operators with data-driven insights, manufacturers can foster a culture of continuous improvement.

thisisagoodnight.pngIt's clear that machine monitoring and analytics helps managers and supervisors be more proactive with with proper visualizations and reporting of their real-time machine data. However sometimes operators are concerned with what this will mean for them. At a recent visit to one of our customers, VSS CNC, I was shown this facebook post from a night shift operator, Cote. At the end of his shift, he posted to all his friends, "That's a good night" with all his machines showing green - meaning all his goals for the shift had been met. It's evident our product has had an impact not only on owners and managers but operators as well. Take for example this machine shop; as soon as our big, bright, colorful screens came up, operators embraced the product and made it their own. They watch their machines performance as a baseline to monitor their daily shift success.  Once machine shops have introduced MachineMetrics as a tool to not only collect vital machine analytical data, but also improve collaborative efforts between managers and operators, the whole shop floor dynamics begin to change.

Operators who have embraced the technology have been able to:

  • address physical machine issues rather then have to verbally explain downtime reasons
  • contribute valuable machine data input which makes them an integral part in the process 
  • take ownership of their performance by setting personal goals to always see the green!!! 
The grass is always greener.......but first you need to take care of the seeds.

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